February Featured Athlete-Antonia Jameson Jordan

1. Where are you from?

Originally England, but I grew up in the New York metropolitan area — Long Island and New Jersey.

2. What do you do for a living?

I teach physiology, anatomy, and cancer biology at the vet school. As a side line, I do low-cost vaccine clinics for dogs and cats.

3. What brought you to Ithaca?

Vet school, and I’m still here almost 30 years later.

4. What’s your sports/athletic background?

Not much. I did ballet as a child and have been a recreational runner most of my adult life

5. What brought you to Pallas?

My friend Gina convinced me to give it a try. I had a major illness and had multiple surgeries some years ago (two of my ribs are in a jar on my desk), and then I started developing arthritis in my knees and hips. Functional fitness seemed like a great way to continue healing and to regain confidence in my body.

6. What are some goals you’ve accomplished since starting?

Overall, I’m stronger and lighter. Better push-ups. No more knee pain.

7. What are some goals you’re working towards?

Everything. There’s infinite room for improvement in CrossFit.

8. How has Lisa contributed to your gains?

Lisa pushes me to go harder than I ever would on my own. She has worked with me on strength and form, and I have complete trust in her expertise and judgement.

9. What do you do for self care?

10. If you could write a workout, what would it look like?

I love CrossFit because I don’t have to come up with my own workouts. It’s nice to have someone else tell me what to do.

11. What’s your favorite movement.

Ring rows.

12. What’s your least favorite movement?

Squats are a work in progress — very challenging for me.

13. Do you have a favorite book or author?

I read a lot. Recently my husband has gotten me into Adrian McKinty and Ian Rankin (tartan noir), but I always come back to Dickens and Tolstoy. I also do a lot of history, and I love biographies too.

14. What’s your favorite season and why?

Summer in Ithaca is glorious. I spend just about every minute outside. I love hiking around here, and I love summer fruits and vegetables.

15. What restaurant is your favorite in Ithaca and what do you get?

Main Street Market in Trumansburg has great tacos and sandwiches. I also like Agava for hamburgers and a margarita.


16. If someone was hesitant to start CF, what would you tell them?

Everything is scalable. The coaches will work with you to come up with an option that works for your body and that will help you progress. It can be intimidating at first, but if you keep going back, you will get stronger and you will feel better.

Tim Paulson