January Featured Athlete - Matthew Youngs

1. Where are you from? Ithaca!
2. What’s your fitness background prior to Pallas? General workouts
3. You are SO dedicated to the 4pm, what drives you? After a long day at work, the 4pm gives me relief from anxiety.
4. Your department recently won an award, can you tell us more about that? The Mental Health Department won “The Daisy Award,'“ which is an award for excellence.
5. What are some CF goals you’ve crossed off the list? I am getting better at double unders and toes to bar.
6. What are some future goals you have? To continue on and improve in CrossFit.
7. If you could write a workout, what would it look like?

17m AMRAP:

17c Row


20 Box Jumps

8. What’s your favorite movement? Pull-ups
9. What’s your least favorite movement? Burpees
10. What do you do for self care? Cook and travel
11. What’s your favorite restaurant in the area? Ithaca Ale House
12. What’s your favorite season and why? Summer because I love being outside.
13. If you could only use 1 piece of equipment for the rest of your life, what would it be? The rower!
14. What do you like to do for fun? Travel
15. If someone was hesitant to try CF, what would you tell them? It’s very rewarding!

Tim Paulson