September Featured Athlete - Dan Mitchell

1. Where are you from?


2. For the folks that don’t know what you do for a living, please indulge us all.

Owner of Ithaca Beer Company

3. Do you prefer the alcohol side of the business or the food side?

I'm a fan of a great meal, which includes beverages.

4. Do you have a favorite Ithaca beer or soda? If you don’t, you can tell us your favorite seasonals.

Choosing a favorite beer or soda is like choosing a favorite child. I love them all.

5. Now that cannabis is legal in NYS, would you ever consider making a cannabis infused beer?

We'd definitely look into it.

6. What’s your athletic background? Grew up playing soccer and tennis.

7. What brought you into CFP?

I started at Crossfit of Ithaca, and loved it. I didn't think the coaching would get better, but I'm amazed at the coaching staff at Pallas.

8. Do you have a favorite movement?

I think I'm partial to Power Cleans.

9. What’s your least favorite movement?

Rope climbs. Managed to fall from 14' once, and didn't care for that.

10. What are some goals you’ve crossed off the list?

I've gotten much more fit over the last 6 months or so. I wouldn't cross anything off yet.

11. What are some future goals you have?

Going forward, I'd like to continue to choose weights and movements that are scaled enough for me to keep moving. I find I have to stop too often during workouts to catch my breath.

12. If you could write a workout, what would it look like?

500 m row, 5 power cleans (M), 10 pull ups, cycling for 10-15 minutes

13. Tell us about your experience working out with your kids at Pallas? Has it been competitive?

My favorite time at Pallas has been working out with my kids. Any activity I can do with them is so fun. It generally only gets competitive with Skyler, but that's fun too.

14. Other than Ithaca Beer, where’s your favorite place to eat out in ithaca?

It all depends on my mood or food preference that night.

15. Favorite alcoholic beverage outside of Ithaca Beer?

Gishiro is a spicy tequila drink that Mia used to make. Delicious.

16. What do you do for fun?

Crossfit, wake surfing, relaxing by the dock with a book.

17. Where is one place you’d love to vacation?

St John, snorkeling with sea turtles.

18. What would you say to someone hesitant about starting CrossFit?

I find most people I talk to who are hesitant are worried about the injuries they hear about. Approaching CrossFit with the idea of scaling appropriately, will alleviate that. Also, at Pallas the coaching staff is great at always reviewing movements, and watching to make sure people's form is right.

Tim Paulson