October Featured Athlete - Inish O'Doherty

1. Where are you from?- Dublin, Ireland

2. What brought you to ithaca? The first time around circa 2007, PhD in chemistry at Cornell. The second time around circa 2021, family

3. What do you do for a living? I work for remotely for a health tech company based in NYC and Boston.

4. A lot of people might now know this - but you’re an OG! How cool is it to go from the garage on Court St. to the new space? The new space still blows my mind. I've been to different boxes across the states and I struggle to think of one as nice as Pallas. I feel lucky to have it in my backyard. It's also really nice there isn't just one bathroom with the permanent smell of poop-masked-Febreeze, thanks Court St!

5. What’s your favorite movement? Hammering on a machine or dumbbell snatch

6. Least favorite? Heavy thrusters

7. What are some CF goals you be crossed off the list? Over the years many goals have come and gone. back in the day, I used to use CF and CF endurance (when that was a thing) to train for triathlons. I did a couple of 1/2 ironmans and was pretty chuffed

8. What are some future goals you have? I'd love to get some of my old goals back before I'm 40 (two years' time) squat #300, DL#400, CJ#225 and a sub 19 5km but....not stressed if it doesn't happen

9. If you could write a workout, what would it look like? 4 rounds (400m run or row, pull-up or toes-to-bar, kettlebell swing or wall balls, and moderate snatch or cleans)

10. Chipper or lung burner? 15-25 min is my sweet spot

11. Barbell or dumbell? for metcons probably DBs for strength BB

12. Run or row? Run when the weather is nice, those 4 months of the year. Row the rest

13. What’s your favorite meal (not homemade) in the area? Green curry from Taste of Thai Express or banh mi from Gorges Subs

14. What’s your go to meal at home? This time of year, lamb stew

15. What do you do for self care? Try to sleep enough, eat clean-ish, and get some yoga in. Still trying to find a good massage therapist in Ithaca

16. What’s a random fact about yourself? I once tried to get from Ireland to Austrailia without taking plane. got as far as Hong Kong and then had to fly the remainder.

17. What’s one of your proudest moments? Being the best man at my brother's wedding

18. If someone was hesitant to start CF, what would you tell them? Give it a try. Most things new are intimidating but the coaches and athletes at Pallas are all down to earth. It's a unique place where you can find world class athletes training along side folks who are finding fitness for the first time or getting back into it after a along time. Stick with it for a while and don't be afraid to ask questions or use a lighter weight if a movement feels weird.

Tim Paulson