June Featured Athlete - Todd Fox

1. What brought you into CFP? I had a best friend that had been doing CrossFit for over a year and he kept asking me to go with him. Eventually I acquiesce.

2. What have you gained from joining CF? The most meaningful thing I gained was friendship and community. Followed closely by a new passion, which is become such an anchoring part of my life.

3. What’s your athletic background? I was big athlete until about 14, when I shattered my patella! I didn’t become active again until my late 20’s, when I got into running marathons. But around the age of 30 I tore my meniscus in my knee and wasn’t active again until I joined Pallas about 5 years later.

4. What’s your favorite movement? I think bar muscle ups are super fun to string together!

5. What’s your least favorite movement? Squat snatch because I’m not very good at it and I’m always afraid I’m going injury myself.

6. If you could write a wod what would it look like? Assault bike, burpees, ski erg, handstand push-ups, rower. And at least 30 minutes long!

7. What are some goals you’ve crossed off your CrossFit list? Bar muscle ups, double unders, hand stand push-ups, hand stand walks (kinda)

8. What are some future goals you have? Better recovery! And to complete Murph in under 40 minutes.

9. What do you do for self care? Stretch every night for at least 15 minutes.

10. Where’s your favorite place to eat out in the area? Ithaca Beer because it’s so kid friendly! But I also love Mercato if I’m adulting.

11. Winter, spring, summer or fall? Love them all for different reasons! Top two would be spring and fall. Fall seems to be a time of deep reflection for me. Spring just has that energy of “new beginnings”. The energy is palpable and it seems to be pulsing through everyone. Everything in nature is coming back to life and blooming, which is simultaneously happen with people too.

12. What do you do for a living? Real estate development. I build and own apartment buildings.

13. How did you get into your profession? Pure luck and “trial by fire”. It’s a long story!

14. Where are you from? Born and raised in Ithaca!

15. What’s a random fact you could share with the CFP community? Aside from my kids, the greatest joy I get is from being of service to people. Connecting deeply and helping others is the most meaningful gift in life.

16. If someone was hesitant about trying CF, what would you tell them? Life’s too short to hesitate! CF is guaranteed to have a massive positive impact on your life! It will unlock parts of you that you didn’t know existed.

Tim Paulson