August Featured Athlete - David Small


1. Where are you from? 
Brisbane, Australia

2. What do you do for a living?
I’m a postdoc scientist working at Cornell. I study heart disease.

3. What brought you to Ithaca?
My job. The good thing about my career choice is that you can do it pretty much anywhere in the world.

4. What brought you into Crossfit Pallas?
My partner Anna. Anna did some crossfit back in Australia and convinced me to give it a go. I was hesitant at first and thought that it wouldn’t really be my thing. But she’s the boss, so it’s best to do what she says.

5. What keeps you coming to Crossfit Pallas? 
The 6:30pm class! It’s usually the same crowd. It was also a great outlet for me to meet and make new friends outside of work. I also like the constant variety of workouts. I used to go to the gym and do cardio and resistance exercises, but after doing that for so many years, it gets very boring. It’s great to go to a class, and do something different each day, and still know that you are getting better.

6.  Where do you see yourself in five years? 
Probably back in Australia with 5 kids (maybe ask Anna about that plan…)

7. What’s your favorite thing to do outside of CrossFit? 
We just bought some kayaks, so have been out on a few lakes in the region most weekends.

8. What’s your favorite meal or restaurant in Ithaca? 
There are so many good places in Ithaca, but I would have to nail it down to Massaman curry from Tamarind Thai. The Pad See Ew is also pretty banging.

9. What do you do for self-care?
I stretch for one hour before bed every night. I have the flexibility of a tire iron.

10. What’s your favorite CrossFit movement? 
I love DUBS and running

11. What’s your least favorite CrossFit movement? 
Anything that requires a big amount of flexibility, so overhead squats and pistols are a killer. Sometimes the mobility things we do for warmup or cool down are the hardest part of the day…

12. If you could write a WOD what would it look like?
30 DUBS, 5 power cleans, 400 meter run. 5 rounds for time

13. What are some goals you’ve marked off of the CrossFit goal board? 
Being able to get below parallel on the squatting movements. It took about a year!

14. What are some future goals that you have? 
I’m always trying to increase strength, but most of all, I would still like to improve my mobility, and one day be able to do pistols and OHS easy!

15. Where’s the coolest place you’ve been? 
Halong Bay in Vietnam was very memorable.

16. Liquor, wine, beer, cider or neither or all of the above? 
Beer, but depends on the occasion.

17. Do you have a favorite author or book? 
It’s hard to nail it down to one, but I’m going to say “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” by Rebecca Skloot. There is also a Movie based on the book. 

18. What’s your favorite season? 
Summer. Reminds me most of Australia.

19. Do you have a favorite sport or sports team? 
I played rugby and basketball growing up, so I would have to say my favorite sport to watch is rugby. Despite being here for 3 years, I still have no clue what the rules are in American football or baseball.

20. What would you tell somebody who is hesitant to start CrossFit?
Most people I talk to about crossfit have preemptive ideas that it is too intense, and full of crazy people yelling at each other lifting rocks. It’s not. Crossfit has the full spectrum of people at all different fitness levels, who just want to be healthier. I would say to these people, don’t diss it til you try it! The coaches are super knowledgeable and supportive, and every workout can be scaled.

Tim Paulson