January Featured Athlete - Andy Tavelli

1. Where are you from?

I am from the small town of Berkshire situated outside of Ithaca.

2. What brought you to Pallas?

I came to Pallas during COVID around the time that gyms were re-opening. Having worked out in my garage for almost a year I was itching to get back into a gym.

3. What’s your athletic background?

I played football throughout school. I have raced ATV’s regionally for the last 12 years, and I have done CrossFit for almost 6 years now.

4. What’s a CF goal you’ve crossed off the list?

Muscle ups, both bar and ring. I am still working on my work capacity but I am happy to be fairly confident in them now.

5. What’s a goal you’re working towards?

Definitely pistols. I injured my left knee several years ago partially tearing my meniscus. Range of motion and strength are something I constantly fight when doing pistols.

6. If you could only use 1 piece of equipment for the rest of your life, what would it be?

I have recently learned to love the Concept 2 BikeErg.

7. If you could write a METCON, what would it look like?

If I had to choose it would probably consist of low rep high weight barbell movements. Deadlifts, cleans, Handstand push-ups, and double unders are some of my favorites.

8. What do you do for self-care? 

Outside of the gym, I binge watch Netflix or try to listen to educational podcasts.

9. Where’s your go to restaurant in the area?

Red’s Place for sure, their burgers are top notch.

10. Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall and why?

Summer definitely, I love to be able to do stuff outside, hike, etc.

11. Liquor/Beer/Wine/Cider/none/all? And why?

I prefer wine, it is something my family has always had around dinner and especially around the holidays.

12. Do you have a favorite author or book?

I don’t have any specific favorites but I love reading books about World War II. I find the conflict very interesting to learn about.

13. Where’s your dream vacation spot and why?

My dream vacation spot was Italy, more specifically Rome. I was fortunate enough to go a few years back and I am looking forward to going back and seeing more of the country.

14. What keeps you motivated?

Prior to CrossFit I was much heavier, CrossFit has helped me get into shape and be more confident in myself. Friends made along the way and competitive nature keep me coming back for more.

15. What’s a fun fact not a lot of people know about you?

I love to cook! One of my favorites is making homemade bread from scratch.

16. What would you tell someone who’s hesitant about joining CFP 

CFP is the best hour of my day, one free trial class could change your life!

Tim Paulson